
田宮流は、紀州藩の分家伊予西条藩に伝承された田宮神剣流として大成し、第十四代 妻木正麟元信宗家(小田原)が道統を継承していましたが、平成19年6月に逝去され、現在はご子息の妻木達夫元達氏が継承しています。
Tamiya-ryu was established by Tamiya Heibei Narimasa.
He was born in the Kanto region about 400 years ago and was succeeded in the second generation by Hayasizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu( Hayasizaki- Muso-Ryu-IAI ).
He showed his own IAI-DO (a quick draw of the sword) in the presence of the 3rd- Syogun Tokugawa Iemitsu, and as a result, the Tamiya-ryu came to be known to the whole country.
Afterwards, Tamiya-ryu had been separated into three sects.
One is KO-Tamiya (Old-Tamiya), 2nd is Kisyu-Tamiya and 3rd is Sin-Tmiya (New-Tamiya) but they have gone cold (broken off).
A present Tamiya-ryu is the one that it is called “Tamiya-Sinken-ryu” that draws the flow of Kishu- Saijo clan.
It has been finally inherited by the Tsumaki-Familly.
Nowadays, Mr. Tsumaki Tatsuo (son-in-law) has succeeded “Tamiya-Sinken-ryu” as the 15th current grandmaster.